Issue №2, Vol. 12
Mokhirev P., Mokhirev A. Study specifics of logging in the Krasnoyarsk Territory // Resources and Technology. 2015. №2, Vol. 12. P. 98‒108.

DOI: 10.15393/

Study specifics of logging in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Lesosibirsk branch of Siberian state technological University,
Lesosibirsk branch of Siberian state technological University,
Key words:
logging technology; forest exploitation; exploitation factors
technological process
logging work
Summary: In this paper we study the main risk factors that affect the productive activities of logging companies. Considered the most likely unforeseen adverse situations arising in the course of logging operations on the territory of Krasnoyarsk Krai. The research was carried out in logging areas largest at the edge of the timber enterprises of JSC «Novoeniseiskiy LHK». The greatest likelihood of adverse situations occurs under the action of climatic risks. The detail shows by months the situations that arise throughout the year, due to negative factors and their impact on harvesting and hauling wood. For stable operation during the whole year the enterprises of the timber industry complex of the Krasnoyarsk region are forced to spend money on continuous monitoring and processing of results all negative factors. It is shown that large climatic influences exposed to winter timber harvesting, and in the summer hauling. To balance these phases of production logging companies, their leadership has to consider all the most important risk factors and to take timely action. The same technique works to reduce negative impacts on the production process of external and internal negative influences.

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