Issue №2, Vol. 13
Barinova E., Zotova E., Zubkova T. Contemporary approaches to control of labor resources in APK of the Ivanovo province // Resources and Technology. 2016. №2, Vol. 13. P. 45‒58.

DOI: 10.15393/

Contemporary approaches to control of labor resources in APK of the Ivanovo province

Ivanovo state agricultural Academy named after D. K. Belyaev,
Ivanovo state agricultural Academy named after D. K. Belyaev,
Ivanovo state agricultural Academy named after D. K. Belyaev,
Key words:
agro-industrial complex
labour organization
management effectiveness
Summary: The topical character of the problem of development and control of labor resources consists in the fact that the working potential must be considered as the concrete factor of production, which must be rationally placed, thoroughly developed, justified together with other resources in order to achieve the strategic goals of enterprise. At present enterprises are more receptive to consumer needs. In the opinion many colleagues of enterprises, advance on the service or achieving any our own (personal) goals, possibly only in the case of the migration of colleagues into the more prestigious branch. By the purpose of sociological studies was the study of contemporary state and approaches to control labor resources in the agribusiness of the Ivanovo province. Of the for achievement stated goal in the process of experiment were solved the following problems: a study of the prevailing in the agriculture system of material encouragement; the study of the specific character of the seasonality of labor; the study of presence and motion of work force in the agriculture on the Ivanovo province; the analysis of long-term special-purpose program for creating the favorable social and economic conditions for control by personnel; the interpretation of the results of studying the social sphere; the development of measures for the improvement of control system of personnel. In the process of studying the outlined problem were used comparative data analysis - on RF and on the Ivanovo province; The Ivanovo province as a whole and by the separate municipal regions; the statistical data analysis of the cadre services of the Ivanovo province, center of the employment of population on the Ivanovo province and Federal Service of statistics, and so mathematical calculations.

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