Issue №3, Vol. 13
Devjatnikova L., Zaitseva M., Muhin S. Analysis of external walls thermal properties based on thermographing // Resources and Technology. 2016. №3, Vol. 13. P. 30‒41.

DOI: 10.15393/

Analysis of external walls thermal properties based on thermographing

   Ludmila A
Petrozavodsk State University,
   Maria I
Petrozavodsk State University,
   Semen Yu
Karelian Regional Institute of Management, Economics and Law of PetrSU,
Key words:
thermal imaging survey
the heat loss
the walls of the structure
the heat balance of the building
Summary: Due to the selection of the building shape, orientation and space filling of light apertures can be optimized exposure to the outside air in the heat balance of the building. An important role is played by the choice of materials and building envelope as well as the location of the sequence of layers in multilayer structures. In addition to building envelopes (walls, floors, windows and doors) for "energy efficiency" in the house and still meet the HVAC system through which the heat is also lost. Therefore, only a comprehensive approach will yield the best possible result to the building heat saving. Knowing the place of maximum heat, you can provide measures to eliminate leakage of heat available for use of the building means as improving energy efficiency at home begins with the elimination of "heat leaks". The same thermal control method makes it possible to identify and maintenance of heat leakage caused by invisible on visual examination of the destruction of the inner layers, shrinkage and deformation of the heaters when the device

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