Issue №1, Vol. 15
Stepanov A., Petrov A., Pituchin A. Evaluation of the fatigue wear probability of pavement using fracture mechanics methods // Resources and Technology. 2018. №1, Vol. 15. P. 1‒10.

DOI: 10.15393/

Evaluation of the fatigue wear probability of pavement using fracture mechanics methods

Petrozavodsk state University,
Petrozavodsk state University,
Petrozavodsk state University,
Key words:
fatigue wear
wear probability
lognormal distribution
statistical linearization
Summary: Improving the quality of pavement and reducing the cost of its maintenance is an important problem. One of the causes of road raveling is fatigue wear of surface materials..The process of materials fatigue wear is described by the linear fracture mechanics methods. The Paris equation describes the rate of fatigue crack growth. On the basis of Paris equation we suggest a method for estimating the fatigue wear probability of the pavement. The statistical linearization method is used for the probabilistic description of the crack growth process. The lifetime distribution law is assumed as lognormal. The example of the calculation of asphalt pavement fatigue wear probability is given in order to test the method. The adequacy of the proposed models is shown. It is established that the variation of the loading and pavement properties significally affect the probability of fatigue wear. Some ways of improving the proposed method are suggested.

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