Issue №1, Vol. 15
Kovalev I. Technical re-equipment of agricultural complex of Belarus: today // Resources and Technology. 2018. №1, Vol. 15. P. 39‒64.

DOI: 10.15393/

Technical re-equipment of agricultural complex of Belarus: today

Institute of System Research in Agro-industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus,
Key words:
agricultural equipment
technical support
machines and tractors park
governmental support.
Summary: The analysis of the reequipment rate of the republican agricultural organizations with new machinery has been carried out. It is established that the total annual volumes of supplies of new agricultural machinery in the agro-industrial complex of the country have significant fluctuations, both in terms of years and types of equipment. The overall average annual rate of renewal of the machine and tractor fleet of agricultural enterprises, taking into account all major types of agricultural machinery, showed a steady downward trend over the period under review (2009-2016) and in 2016 it fell to the lowest level ever for the main types of machinery and equipment. The extent of agricultural machinery retirement has increased significantly; the amount of trailed, hinged and other minor equipment final retirement has also grown. If the current situation in deliveries, decommissioning, and restoration of machinery at agricultural enterprises and without the receipt of an acceptable amount of new energy-intensive, high-performance equipment in the immediate future does not change fundamentally , a serious fall in the industrial and technical potential of the republic's agro-industrial complex may occur. The key role of the state in technical renewal and modernization of the industry, introduction of modern high-intensive technologies of agricultural production in the current conditions of insolvency of the majority of state agricultural organizations and enterprises with a significant share of state property has been determined. The Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 8 "On the development of the digital economy" approved on December 21, 2017 will create favorable conditions for the development and implementation of intellectual, information and communication and other new and high technologies in the country, will attract domestic and foreign investments in the development of the most modern and high technologies. The decree creates a number of necessary prerequisites for the speedy liquidation of the current technological and economic lag of the agro-industrial complex of Belarus from the world advanced agricultural production and processing of agricultural products.

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