Contents №4, Vol. 18, 2021

Andronov A., Petrosyan S., Egorin A., Iliushenko D., Khitrov E.Forwarders classification basing on the characteristics data clustering
Displays: 480; Downloads: 252;
1 - 16
Gasparyan G., Davtyan A., Grigorev I., Markov O., Grigoreva O.Numerical study of indicators of wood harvesting on forest plantations
Displays: 378; Downloads: 202;
17 - 45
Pobedinskiy V. V., Lyakhov S. V., Salikhova M. N., Iovlev G. A.Neuro-fuzzy network for the design of repair and maintenance bases
Displays: 349; Downloads: 250;
46 - 60
Vasiliev V. V., Afonichev D. N.The method of calculating the hydraulic cylinder parameters of a telescopic boom manipulator for the forest industry use
Displays: 384; Downloads: 194;
61 - 76
Kovalev R., Enaleeva - Bandura I., Baranov A., Grigoreva O., Grigorev I.Mathematical model for determining the optimal location of forest fire and chemical stations taking into account the level of development of transportation networks on the territory of the forest fund
Displays: 370; Downloads: 202;
77 - 92