Aims and Scope
The scientific journal “Resources and Technology” is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed online journal, has an open access publication model, and is published two times a year by Petrozavodsk State University in Russian and English. “Resources and Technology” is a follow-up of ”Research Reports of Forest Engineering Faculty of Petrozavodsk State University”, which were published in 1996-2012 (volumes 1-9). The journal continues to publish articles in various fields of the forest sector (forest policy and economics, the various aspects of sustainable forest management, wood harvesting, forest industry, forest bioenergy, wooden construction, and forestry machinery) and extends the scope by welcoming submissions from interdisciplinary studies on natural resources management and related technology.
The journal publishes analytical overviews, original research and brief communications. The aim is to encourage scientists to publish their research in as much detail as possible. There is no page limit. The article structure should fit into a strict scientific pattern. The object, subject and methods of research should be stated specifically. The research results presentation should permit others to replicate the work. The style of the article should contribute to theoretical understanding and critical analysis of the presented material.
In addition, the unique features of this journal are: i) we particularly welcome manuscripts regarding interdisciplinary studies on renewable natural resources in the former Soviet and Nordic countries; ii) we will appreciate manuscripts that communicate the scientific and practical results of the projects financed from public funds. Special issues are an effective way to draw attention to the on-going research and developing projects. “Resources and Technology” aims to publish special issues that focus on topics of interest to the journal's readers.
The manuscript will be published within 3 weeks to 6 months from the date of its submission. The publication is free of charge. This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user. It is allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAJ definition of open access. Plagiarism checker is applied to all submitted manuscripts. The journal allows authors to retain copyright in their article with no restrictions. Authors can post the final, peer-reviewed manuscript version to any repository or website.
Review and Referees
“Resources and Technology” applies a double-blind peer review process, in which all manuscripts will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. Authors should suggest at least three potential referees with the appropriate expertise, although the Editor will not necessarily approach them. The proposed referees should be experts in the field and should not be current collaborators of the authors nor have published with any of the authors of the manuscript within the last 5 years. The proposed referees should be from the different institutions than the authors. Authors may identify appropriate Editorial Board members of the journal as potential referees.
Indexing and Abstracting
We understand the importance of coverage in the indexing and abstracting databases. “Resources and Technology” is covered by following International and Russian indexing and abstracting databases: AGRIS, DOAJ, Ulrich's™ Global Serials Directory, Google Scholar, GFAR, CIARD RING, Academic Journals Database, RSCI (РИНЦ), and VINITI (ВИНИТИ). This journal has been configured for evaluation to receive an impact factor in the Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science) and SCOPUS as soon as possible.
before submission.
6. Supplementary material:
a. "Resources and Technology" wishes to encourage the submission of supplementary data in electronic formats, so that important scientific information is retained in full.
b. Conference slides, video sequences, software, etc., can be included with the submission and published as supplementary material.
c. Supplementary data can be submitted by e-mail with the main manuscript file.
7. Author’s follow-up revision of the manuscript:
a. The review(s) from the external reviewer(s) along with the review from the Scientific Editor are provided to the author(s) no later than four weeks after the submission of the paper.
b. The corrections in the paper should be made by the author(s) within the next four weeks.
c. If the author(s) disagree with the reviewers comments, the author(s) can discuss unjust remarks with the Scientific Editor by e-mail.
8. Manuscript acceptance:
a. After all the necessary corrections are made and proofed by the reviewers the manuscript is accepted by the (Deputy) Editor-in-Chief.
9. Manuscript proofreading:
a. The revised manuscript is sent to the author(s) for proofreading. Two weeks are given for the proofreading process.
b. The manuscript after the author(s)’s proofreading is checked by a language corrector. The correction process lasts two weeks.
10. Manuscript publishing:
a. The completed manuscript is approved by (Deputy) Editor-in-Chief Editor.
b. The paper is included in the current issue of the journal.
c. The paper is immediately published on the “Resources and Technology” homepage.
Plagiarism checker is applied to all submitted manuscripts.
The author(s) may feel free to discuss all the problems with the (Deputy) Editor-in-Chief by e-mail: