Issue Vol. 8
Dospehova N., Markov O., Markov B. Geometric modeling of the contact interaction of balances in a drum of a debarking machine // Resources and Technology. 2010. Vol. 8. P. 41‒48.

DOI: 10.15393/

Geometric modeling of the contact interaction of balances in a drum of a debarking machine

   N A
PetrSU, @
   O B
PetrSU, @
   B G
PetrSU, @
Key words:
mathematical modeling
contact interaction
three-dimensional modeling
debarking drum
Summary: The offered methods of geometric modeling of the contact interaction of the balances in drum of debarking machine in proc-ess their peelings from cortex. The problem dares in three-dimensional production. Each balance is considered as direct cir-cular cylinder. Three-dimensional area of the contact is defined as a result of modeling. Results of modeling on offered methods can be used at building of the algorithm of the determination of power of the contact interaction by method discrete element

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