Issue Vol. 8
Poletaikin V., Chernik D. Dynamics of transverse-vertical load on technological equipment of a timber loader // Resources and Technology. 2010. Vol. 8. P. 120‒122.

DOI: 10.15393/

Dynamics of transverse-vertical load on technological equipment of a timber loader

   V F
Siberian State Technological University, @
   D V
S, @
Key words:
caterpillar logger
mechanical simulator
dynamic of side load
Summary: The caterpillar loggers on the base tractors TT-4M of timber industry with semirigid suspension of frame extensively used in Russian timber industry. While at the moving with a load over obstacles at one side machine, at the displacement of load of gravity center relatively long axis of machine appear dynamic loads in transversely- vertical plane, which necessary take into account when designing the loggers. In the developmental stage of mechanical simulators of loggers there must be taken account of some factors, e.g. elastic characteristics of different elements both of the system and it’s load, a velocity of logger, height of cleared obstacles and others. These simulators allow investigate the influence of the above listen factors on the dynamics of side loads of the technology equipment.

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