Issue Vol. 4
Kilpiljainen S. Методика анализа РОБ предприятий лесного хозяйства Республики Карелия на базе ГИС-технологий // Resources and Technology. 2003. Vol. 4. P. 43‒46.

DOI: 10.15393/

Методика анализа РОБ предприятий лесного хозяйства Республики Карелия на базе ГИС-технологий

   S A
PetrSU, @
Key words:
repair departments
running repair
geographic information systems
forestry enterprise
Summary: The article presents the method of analysis of repair and maintenance facilities work based on the digital spatial data of tractors and tracks number, their types, repair shops and garages capacity. Modern geographic information systems (GIS) software is used for analysis.

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