Issue Vol. 4
Syunev V. Компьютеризированная система выбора машин для рубок промежуточного пользования // Resources and Technology. 2003. Vol. 4. P. 134‒140.

DOI: 10.15393/

Компьютеризированная система выбора машин для рубок промежуточного пользования

   V S
PetrSU, @
Key words:
harvesting machines
decision making
ecological factor
Summary: The optimal choice of forest harvesting machines for thinning should take into consideration many aspects: productivity, ecological friendliness to the environment to inflict less damage on remaining trees and forest soil, fulfillment of planned thinning regime. All the requirements are taken into consideration in computerized decision making system. The system is based on GIS and has four main blocks: model of forest site (describing stand structure, soil, land relief, climate); forest machine data base; harvesting process simulation model; results of calculation and optimal design block.

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