Issue №1, Vol. 10
Leinonen T., Honkanen A. CONIFER – Connecting Finnish-Russian Forest Sector Expertise // Resources and Technology. 2013. №1, Vol. 10. P. 39‒43.

DOI: 10.15393/

CONIFER – Connecting Finnish-Russian Forest Sector Expertise

НИИ леса Финляндии,
Лаппеенрантский технологический университет,
Key words:
forest education and training; forest industry; forest policy; forest research; investments; trade of forest industry products
Summary: The forest industry in Finland and Russia are currently facing great challenges due to an economic downturn in both countries’ main market in Europe, a decrease in demand and prices of paper, and increasing production costs and taxes. New ways and approaches should be found to support the competitiveness of the forest sectors in Finland and Russia, especially in Northwest Russia. An innovative idea to establish a Finnish-Russian Forest Academy was created in the project “Finnish-Russian Forest Academy Preparation” (4/2011-3/2013) and in its continuation project (12/2012-11/2014) founded by South-East Finland-Russia ENPI CBC programme. The main activities of the latter two-year project are 1) finalizing the establishing of Finnish-Russian forest expertise center 2) education and training planning and marketing, and piloting professional training courses and 3) research incubation; preparing a plan for prioritized research and survey projects and conduct first joint research activity on recent changes in the business environment of the Russian forest sector. The Academy was decided to rename as CONIFER with a slogan “Connecting Finnish-Russian Forest Sector Expertise”. In the starting phase CONIFER will operate as an open network connecting experts and professionals from different fields of the forest sector. All interested parties are welcome to become members of CONIFER and develop joint events and projects in education, research and business development.

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