Issue Vol. 2
Kuzmin A., Kuzmina L., Olkhina E., Olkhin Y. Организация и развитие коллекционных фондов на основе СУБД Access // Resources and Technology. 1999. Vol. 2. P. 58‒61.

DOI: 10.15393/

Организация и развитие коллекционных фондов на основе СУБД Access

   A V
KarSC, @
   L I
KarSC, @
   E S
KarSC, @
   Yu V
PetrSU, @
Key words:
коллекционные фонды растений
база данных
Summary: In this article the results of creation the database of collection funds of plants in Polar-alpine botanical garden-institute on the basic of Access 2 has been adduced. It has been noted the possibilities of search of necessary information, entering new and editing existing data.

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