Issue №4, Vol. 15
Aniskovich G., Kovalev L., Kovalev I. Justification of the organization of domestic production of wear parts for imported multi-body plows // Resources and Technology. 2018. №4, Vol. 15. P. 53‒76.

DOI: 10.15393/

Justification of the organization of domestic production of wear parts for imported multi-body plows

Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University, author1@email
Production Company "AMIR-S",
Institute of System Research in Agro-industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus,
Key words:
tractor plows
payback period
spare parts
wear resistance
production cycle
normal load
Summary: Today the Republic of Belarus possesses a rather powerful machine-building complex and has a serious scientific potential in the field of agricultural engineering and modern domestic technologies. However, the Republic continues purchasing some types of equipment, engines, units, and components from foreign manufacturers, which is often economically extremely unjustified and very wasteful. Belarusian industry and agriculture are still seriously lagging behind the developed countries of the world in terms of innovative development. The share of domestic companies that carry out important technological and other types of innovation in the total number of enterprises is extremely small. One of the determining factors of this lag is underestimation of the post-Soviet period in the past quarter century and the promising possibilities of various innovative technologies and, as a result, a rather limited and extremely inhibited introduction of breakthrough innovations both in agricultural engineering and in the agro-industrial complex as a whole. A noticeable and resolute turn of the state economic policy of the country lately into the sphere of deep technological transformation of the main sectors of the economy is aimed at an innovative breakthrough and reaching the advanced growth rates in the technological and economic development of Belarus. Reduction of the gap between the domestic science and production, the active introduction of innovative technologies and technical developments should be one of the unshakable priorities and drivers of the country's economic development. This article provides a brief overview of modern foreign and domestic technologies of manufacturing and hardening of replacement parts for working bodies of agricultural machines. It touches upon the problems and directions of the development in this field of engineering. The article briefly discusses some domestic technologies for the production and hardening of wear-resistant replaceable parts of the working structures of agricultural machinery, created and tested by the Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University in cooperation with the Institute of Powder Metallurgy, Physical-Technical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk tractor plant, Belagroservice, BelMIS and a number of other scientific and industrial organizations of Belarus. The key provisions of the development and technical and economic substantiation of the import-substituting production program for the production and hardening of replacement parts for working bodies for foreign multi-plow plows in the conditions of Belarusian enterprises are described in detail.

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