Issue №3, Vol. 21
Chudinov S., Vasiliev E., Ladeishchikov N., Ladeishchikov K. Study of Deformation Characteristics of Fiber Cement-Soil Structures of Logging Road // Resources and Technology. 2024. №3, Vol. 21. P. 1‒16.

DOI: 10.15393/

Study of Deformation Characteristics of Fiber Cement-Soil Structures of Logging Road

   Sergey Aleksadrovich
Ural State Forest Engineering University,
   Evgeniy Gennadevich
Ural State Forest Engineering University,
   Nikolay Vasilievich
Ural State Forest Engineering University,
   Konstantin Vasilievich
Ural State Forest Engineering University,
Key words:
fiber cement soil; logging road; deformation; settlement; lateral displacement; principal stress diagram
Summary: The efficiency of the logging industry depends on the development and quality of the transport infrastructure of timber resource bases. Logging roads must ensure standard transport and operational performance throughout their entire service life. Therefore, the construction of logging roads requires the use of sound design solutions for road pavements using strong and durable road building materials. The construction of road pavements for logging roads from stone materials is one of the most common technologies in areas with this resource base. In areas with a shortage of stone materials, it is advisable to use alternative road construction technologies, one of which is the construction of structural layers of road pavements from reinforced soils. Cement-soil layers of road pavements are highly appreciated in road construction because of their high strength, frost resistance, and durability. However, in the difficult natural conditions of the forest zone with weak waterlogged soils predominance and high traffic loads, cement-soil layers have low crack resistance, which leads to the formation of defects in the pavement and rapid destruction of the road pavement structure. An effective solution to this problem is the technology of dispersed fiber reinforcement of cement-soil mixtures. The resulting fiber cement soil has increased strength properties, frost resistance and crack resistance compared to cement soil, since fibers distributed and firmly held in the cement soil matrix perceive external loads due to their axial stretching and increase the physical and mechanical properties of this composite material. Therefore, it is relevant to study the deformation characteristics of road pavements for logging roads made of fiber-cement soil layers in comparison with similar indicators of equal-strength structures made of cement soil and stone materials. The study of the deformation characteristics of the road pavement was carried out using the PLAXIS 2D geotechnical calculation software package according to the finite element method for various deformation characteristics of the road subgrade soil. For modeling, the load from the wheel of a loaded timber truck was assumed to be 55 kN/m2. Indicators of the structural strength characteristics of fiber cement soil and cement soil (deformation modulus; angle of internal friction; specific adhesion) were obtained in laboratory conditions. Based on the modeling results, the authors obtained the dependences of the deformations of road pavements with various types of structures (cement soil, fiber cement soil and crushed stone) on the consistency of the foundation soil (of high plasticity, soft and hard), as well as diagrams of the main stresses in structural layers under the influence of transport load. It has been established that the structure of road pavement made of crushed stone is 12.5—22.3 % less susceptible to deformation, depending on the consistency of the foundation soil, compared to the structure made of reinforced soils. The use of fiber cement soil in the construction of pavement for logging roads in comparison with cement soil without the addition of fiber allows reducing vertical deformations by 7.2—12.0 % and horizontal deformations by 9.5—12.7 % depending on the consistency of the foundation soil. The efficiency increases with an increase in the strength and deformation characteristics of the foundation soil.

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