Issue Vol. 8
Bek K., Suschuk A. History of the forest machinery industry in Karelia // Resources and Technology. 2010. Vol. 8. P. 7‒12.

DOI: 10.15393/

History of the forest machinery industry in Karelia

   K A
Onezhskii tractor plant construction bureau, @
   A S
Karelian State Pedagogical Academy, @
Key words:
cutting and skidding machines
Onezhskii tractor plant structure
Onezhskii tractor plant work termination
Summary: The article briefly describes the history of Onezhskii tractor plant construction bureau from the appearance to the termination and describes the role of the bureau in mechanization of timber operations in the USSR by means of creating and developing the family of “Onezhets” tractors. The role of certain people working in this field is also described

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