Issue №2, Vol. 16
Bozhbov V., Grigorev I., Rudov S., Teterevleva E., Chemshikova Y. Analysis of approaches to the description of processes of interaction of the propulsion of forest machines with the soil on the cutting area // Resources and Technology. 2019. №2, Vol. 16. P. 13‒35.

DOI: 10.15393/

Analysis of approaches to the description of processes of interaction of the propulsion of forest machines with the soil on the cutting area

Saint-Petersburg state forest technical University named after S. M. Kirov,
Yakut state agricultural Academy,
Military Academy of communications named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S. M. Budyonny,
Ukhta state technical University,
Ukhta state technical University,
Key words:
wheeled forestry machines
Summary: Forest machines performance of various technological operations, including skidding is one of the most important and most resource-intensive indicators in logging production. Rationally organized forestry machines operation largely affects the performance indicators of the entire logging process. Therefore at the design stage of the technological process it is necessary to assess the efficiency of forest machines operation (productivity, environmental friendliness, ergonomics, etc.) by using a set of factors: the composition of the machines fleet, working conditions, indicators of the work process (average travel distance, truck load). Data on the main indicators of the process of work of wheeled forest machines, which have recently become widespread in Russia, often do not accurately reflect the complex relationship between the parameters of the forest machine, truck load, soil and soil conditions of the cutting area and the efficiency of machine work. In particular, there is a lack of models for practical assessment of wheeled forest machines roadability and performance in specific natural and industrial conditions. This hinders development of practical recommendations aimed at further improving the choice of wheeled forest machines for specific natural and industrial conditions of the enterprise. At the moment there are few theoretical works aimed at identifying the nonlinear effect of the mover load on the soil resistance and adhesion indicators. The existing methods of calculation mainly take into account the forces of resistance and adhesion using single coefficients without any reference to the parameters of the machine and the magnitude of the load. General questions of movement of cars with wheel movers on off-road are considered in the theory of movement of cross-country vehicles; however, adaptation of these results in relation to problems of a logging complex requires separate research.

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