Issue №2, Vol. 19
Bukreev V., Kozlov V., Skrypnikov A., Manukovsky A. Reduction of specific downtime of logging equipment in maintenance and repair // Resources and Technology. 2022. №2, Vol. 19. P. 48‒60.

DOI: 10.15393/

Reduction of specific downtime of logging equipment in maintenance and repair

   Vadim Yurievich
Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter the Great,
   Vyacheslav Gennadievich
Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter the Great,
   Alexey Vasilievich
Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies,
   Andrey Yu.
Voronezh State Forestry University named after G. F. Morozov,
Key words:
the resource of machines; efficiency; cost per unit; durability
Summary: One of the relevant tasks of scientific research related to the systematic analysis of technical and economic aspects of machines manufacture and operation is to determine their optimal durability. Machine durability affects depreciation rates and the cost ratio planning for new machines and spare parts manufacture. Currently, there is a tendency to increase the optimal service life of machines of the timber industry complex based on the development and provision of scientifically sound standards for resource realization, normalization of cost ratios between the areas of logging equipment manufacture and operation, as well as on the current expenditure of material, labor and money. Thus, extra expenses might be avoided and maximum realization of machine reliability properties with minimal operating costs might be ensured. In this regard, the analysis of existing methods for determining optimal durability is of great importance to improve the efficiency of logging equipment service on the basis of its normalization, forecasting, and customizing to individual timber enterprises operation. The purpose of the work is to improve the processes of maintaining operability and increasing the reliability of parts and assemblies of logging and timber transport machines during operation by reducing the specific downtime of the machine caused by failures and malfunctions. The article presents a mathematical justification of the influence of technological machines resource dependence on the level of total cost per unit. The mathematical model presents a methodology for identifying objectively available reserves and developing scientifically-based measures to improve the reliability of logging and forest transportation equipment as a result of improving the processes of maintaining its operability and optimizing the power of the subsystem.

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