Issue №2, Vol. 19
Zimarin S., Khripchenko M., Chetverikova I. Investigation of the parameters of a new multiblock design for resource-saving restoration of oak forests // Resources and Technology. 2022. №2, Vol. 19. P. 118‒133.

DOI: 10.15393/

Investigation of the parameters of a new multiblock design for resource-saving restoration of oak forests

Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologiesnamed after G. F. Morozov,
Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologiesnamed after G. F. Morozov,
Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologiesnamed after G. F. Morozov,
Key words:
forestry; deforestation; resource-saving technologies; wave disk; tillage tools
Summary: The article examines the influence of technological parameters of the multiblock designed for resource-saving restoration of oak forests in non-uprooted felling on quality indicators. Resource-saving reforestation technologies that avoid uprooting of stumps cause the least harm to the environment and save resources. Disc tools used on non-uprooted clearings ensure the best vehicle cross-country ability . The advantage of wave discs is low resistance and, consequently, low tractive effort thus creating ample opportunities for reducing energy costs. The design of the wave disk, which provides the required quality of a sowing furrow formation and its tillage has been studied. The quality of the sowing furrow was determined by its depth evenness. The depth of tillage was checked in several places along the furrow length and tool operating width. The paper describes the design and principle of operation of an energy-saving multiblock. The wave disk improves the performance standards of modern forestry tillage tools and will allow their competitive advantage enhancement against other forestry tillage machines. As a result of the experimental studies, a regression model of the influence of the unit speed and the depth of the wave disk on the formation of a seed furrow was obtained. The model makes it possible to determine optimal parameters that ensure a high-quality technological process of tillage with the lowest energy costs. The authors have established that the new technology leads to costs reduction if number of technological operations, machines, tools and equipment is decreased as well as seed expenditure.

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